Sydney South Headache Clinic

After personally suffering from migraines for many years, Rob developed a personal and professional interest in the management of headaches and migraines.

After launching the Headache Clinic in 2008, and with over 1000 consultations performed, Rob has developed a treatment program specifically for his headache and migraine patients, using a range of resources.

A key diagnostic feature of his approach involves the temporary reproduction of the headache pain by carefully applied examination techniques. The reproduction of the familiar headache pain helps to confirm the relevance of the neck to the headaches experienced.

Treatment comprises careful, passive movement techniques to the neck with the aim of restoring normal movement directions without restriction. No high velocity manipulation techniques are used. This treatment is complimented by exercises to improve posture through stretching and strengthening, posture is a common cause for headaches developing in the first place. Often years of postural neglect can be a major cause of headaches.

A recent survey of clients treated at this headache clinic over the past 3 years found that 78% of those treated reported a reduction in frequency, intensity and/or duration of their headaches. A majority reported their improvement was in the range of 70-100%. 60% of clients maintained their exercise program and all of those reported maintaining their improvement in the long term.

Over 300 different types of headaches have been described with many different presentations and causes. The benefit of Rob’s approach is that all types of headaches can respond to this treatment. It will become clear, very quickly, if treatment to the neck will not be effective in treating the headaches, resulting in no further treatment being recommended.
